I drive without mine on at times these days.
One of the biggest reasons is that I have grown tired of what is being said on channel 19. I don't like the disrespect that some of these drivers have toward women, nor their need to speak with such constant foul language. Don't get me wrong, I will cuss some as well, but for some reason it seems to go to the extreme for people when they can hide behind a microphone.
These days, I spend much of my time tuned into my XM Radio, and have the CB squelched down to where I can only hear people extremely close to me.
I will get on the CB at times, but often, it is to talk to someone I am running with, and we will be on another channel, to keep 19 clear. This is something else that rarely happens on the CB anymore. Everyone carries on with their conversations on Channel 19, as if everybody wants to hear what they are talking about.