
don't truck drivers drive with there CB on? All the time I drive with mine on and try to chat with other drivers....and nothing heck, I even try to send a peace offering sometimes..."hey look at the driver in that grey van";) But then when there's a traffic jam alluvasudden everyone has there's on trying to find out "what's going on up there" "some stupid 4-wheeler probably" Why is that?
I drive without mine on at times these days.

One of the biggest reasons is that I have grown tired of what is being said on channel 19. I don't like the disrespect that some of these drivers have toward women, nor their need to speak with such constant foul language. Don't get me wrong, I will cuss some as well, but for some reason it seems to go to the extreme for people when they can hide behind a microphone.

These days, I spend much of my time tuned into my XM Radio, and have the CB squelched down to where I can only hear people extremely close to me.

I will get on the CB at times, but often, it is to talk to someone I am running with, and we will be on another channel, to keep 19 clear. This is something else that rarely happens on the CB anymore. Everyone carries on with their conversations on Channel 19, as if everybody wants to hear what they are talking about.
don't truck drivers drive with there CB on? All the time I drive with mine on and try to chat with other drivers....and nothing heck, I even try to send a peace offering sometimes..."hey look at the driver in that grey van";) But then when there's a traffic jam alluvasudden everyone has there's on trying to find out "what's going on up there" "some stupid 4-wheeler probably" Why is that?

Honestly the last thing I want to see is some guy chatting on the CB about BS when he is supposed to be driving and paying attention to what he is doing..... Getting info and that is one thing but the CB's are as bad as the cell phones..... It is distracting and dangerous.
The CB doesn't serve quite as much of a purpose as it did several years ago. It used to be a primary means of communication, back before satellite communications (qualcomm), and cell phones.

Today, it is still nice to have in terms of keeping updated of any traffic situations, but it isn't nowhere near as important to have anymore.
I drive without mine on at times these days.

One of the biggest reasons is that I have grown tired of what is being said on channel 19. I don't like the disrespect that some of these drivers have toward women, nor their need to speak with such constant foul language. Don't get me wrong, I will cuss some as well, but for some reason it seems to go to the extreme for people when they can hide behind a microphone.

These days, I spend much of my time tuned into my XM Radio, and have the CB squelched down to where I can only hear people extremely close to me.

I will get on the CB at times, but often, it is to talk to someone I am running with, and we will be on another channel, to keep 19 clear. This is something else that rarely happens on the CB anymore. Everyone carries on with their conversations on Channel 19, as if everybody wants to hear what they are talking about.

Thanks for saying that. When I would go with my husband, I would listen to the CB and just think I wanted to hurt some of those men. They were degrading us women to NOTHING. I know not all men are like that but I do know that it is a MAIN reason my husband drove with his radio off.
Honestly the last thing I want to see is some guy chatting on the CB about BS when he is supposed to be driving and paying attention to what he is doing..... Getting info and that is one thing but the CB's are as bad as the cell phones..... It is distracting and dangerous.

:DI understand what you are saying about it being a distraction. However, sometimes it is easier to "pay attention" and "drive" when you are a little tired or on a particularly boring strech of highway if you have someone to run with and "BS" with...if any driver disagrees i would like to hear why, cause i literally don't know anyone who would disagree it is better to run long distances with someone else. Hit me up if you have anymore comments. Thanks for the feedback so far and any further feedback is appeciated.:D
I don't think anything is wrong with chatting and BS'in with someone who is in the truck with you. At least you can still have both hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.
My hubby drives with his off and the XM radio on. He doesn't particularly want to hear about the grey van and the rest of the foul language and BS that so many on there seem to think everyone is interested in.
don't truck drivers drive with there CB on? All the time I drive with mine on and try to chat with other drivers....and nothing heck, I even try to send a peace offering sometimes..."hey look at the driver in that grey van";) But then when there's a traffic jam alluvasudden everyone has there's on trying to find out "what's going on up there" "some stupid 4-wheeler probably" Why is that?

A lot of drivers nowdays, have good cell packages, add a ear piece and a chance to talk to home after being out for a long time, well not much of a choice right?

A lot of company trucks are going to nextel packages also. So they can chat with ech other and the home office, but no one else. (sucks)
I think most are just sick of the BS that some truckers like to toss out. They seem to think that everyone is interested in their small minded foul mouthed opinions.

They are wrong.
I guess the foul mouths and opinions don't effect me anymore..... I have worked with men since I started working and I don't think they is anything I haven't heard. What suprises them most is that I can dish it right back at them.
I've always worked with more men than woman. It's not a "man" thing. It's a crude and uneducated human thing. If more people understood that it makes them look bad rather than tough and macho, maybe they wouldn't do it.
I think it is good to have the cb on if not for anything else but a little bit of humorous chatter to kill the time with. I figure if I don't like what is being said I will turn it down or off.
Hubby uses his CB for load info only. He turn it on at places that use to to call drivers and turns it off when finished. He's rather listen to XM radio.