As long as I am moving I am happy. I am easy to please, just get me loaded and moving.
Sure there are places I like and places I don't.
My preference is drives with great scenery and lower traffic volumes. Just drove through some nice territory yesterday.
I also like going to Canada, the people up there talk funny, eh? And there is something about traveling in a foreign country even though it doesn't really feel like a foreign country.
Yes the Northeast mostly sucks, but when you get away from the congested metropolitan areas there is some nice country there as well.
The entire West coast can be a bitch with the lower speeds for trucks and 4 wheelers zipping by at warp speed, but if the load comes from or goes there I guess that is where I will be.
Certainly Ohio, Indiana and Illinois can be frustrating, mile after mile dragging along at sleepy time speeds. So I guess you could say I am happy anywhere the speed limits are higher. The faster the better and 70 to 75 is the best, and I always set the cruise at 3 over. A driver can put down a lot more miles each day when the speeds are higher. And there is something about the feel you get when clipping along somewhere near the speed of sound.
Don't even ask me to cross the Southern border into Mexico. I might not ever be heard from again.
When I am in between picks and drops I like to stop for lunch at places with views and get away from the truck. It helps make those endless hours behind the wheel more tolerable. So any place that is away from concentrations of people is cool.
Happy trails.