Waylaid by weigh stations, truckers take to the back roads

Freight Relocators

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If the state starts its crackdown against overweight or unsafe tractor-trailer trucks, more trucks may take to the back roads to avoid inspections.

"Any time the weigh station is open at Exit 2, we can tell because our public works garage is on Route 37. We see the trucks," said New Fairfield First Selectman John Hodge.

Truckers will go around a weigh station if sitting in line is going to take a lot of time, said Hodge, who has had an interstate trucking license since 1986, when he was driving theatrical scenery between the Gateway Playhouse on Long Island and the Candlewood Playhouse in New Fairfield. Trucks drive through New Fairfield and Danbury streets to avoid the weigh station on Interstate 84 at Exit 2.

Hodge said a legitimate driver with a well-maintained truck, who faces no problems by being weighed and inspected, can't afford to spend too much time waiting in line at a weigh station.

"The weigh station on I-84 at Exit 2 had a national reputation as a difficult station," Hodge said. The station cost drivers too much time, he said, and instead of just weighing the truck and making sure it was safe, some inspectors would gather information about cargo. That was too time-consuming for truckers, who are restricted by federal law from driving too many hours in a row.

Source: newstimeslive.com (more)
They get pay for it, we do not!! that`s why they don`t care about our consuming time. Same thing with warehouses, you on time!!!! and you`re waiting for unloading all day long. Don`t even think being late 5 minutes, they will charge you( I see fees lately like 300-600 dollars)late delivery fee.
Somebody told me get a prepass, you see another way make a buck by government. Prepass why prepass not a bypass, when scale is busy (more than 2 trucks) use bypass. I have my Honor for states using bypass for trucks, when is few trucks waiting in line. That show me they care about truck drivers time. Passing Banning scale in California takes some times 40 min. Building million dollars scales on both sides of roadway is bad projects and waisting money. I don`t know maybe I have only my eyes open while I`m driving.
LOL @ Banning.

I stopped at that scale, maybe twice in my life. That is the easiest scale in the United States to run :)