Two very important things. About half of what is out there on the web is bullshit. Some folks just want to see Rome burn.
Yea the starting pay scale changed. The prevailing theory is 38 a mile and 9 an activity. Every time you arrive somewhere, hook up and leave, or live load/unload is an activity. So a typical stop is $18 if the numbers are right.
You will start extra, and with the big rebid in March your going to be extra for awhile. Unless all those threatening to retire or quit actually do. But if your office has their poop together changing trucks is not every day. If you have an issue with a truck tell them and they will get it fixed.
We have policies. If you violate them you will face the consequences. But unless you on the phone in an accident, texting while driving, or in violation of drug and alcohol policy that will mean a write up. Seen a couple guys fired.
One guy took out three wooden bridges on a dirt road hauling dog food. Gone.
One guy was texting driving across the DC yard. Probably not real bright to deny it when they had him on camera. Gone.
One guy went ballistic on a store associate when it took to long to answer the door. And that will happen. Gone
However a guy hit a light base in Talladega, talking on the phone and took out the drivers side lower half of a truck, including rupturing the fuel tank. Fired on policy but appealed it and was reinstated because he was completely honest about his actions all the way through. No burn phone, no trying to hide what happened,. Just manned up to his actions. Bentonville accident committee gave him his job back with two steps. Three steps your gone, but he is still here after all that.
Now about those folks on the internet. A few of them on truckers report do not work for Wal-Mart. A few are just like Nero and want to see it all burn. I would point out to look for how many attempted to rationally discuss the stuff changing that got tired of the two or three trolls just lighting fires.
We have approximately 125 drivers. Most just keep to themselves and roll. About 4 or 5 are constantly whini by about how horrible it is, and the rest are like any other company. We whine about silly crap that is never gonna change, joke about how broke we are, and keep rolling. Just ignore those 4 or 5 and you'll be a lot happier.
The health insurance is not changing. Three plans. None are like a golden parachute deal, but they are not that bad. You will have to ask about how PTO is going to work for new guys. No one currently employed knows. Your HR Manager should be able to tell you. Feel free to ask anything. There is not a question about compensation or benefits that will cause you to not be hired.
Good luck.
Yea the starting pay scale changed. The prevailing theory is 38 a mile and 9 an activity. Every time you arrive somewhere, hook up and leave, or live load/unload is an activity. So a typical stop is $18 if the numbers are right.
You will start extra, and with the big rebid in March your going to be extra for awhile. Unless all those threatening to retire or quit actually do. But if your office has their poop together changing trucks is not every day. If you have an issue with a truck tell them and they will get it fixed.
We have policies. If you violate them you will face the consequences. But unless you on the phone in an accident, texting while driving, or in violation of drug and alcohol policy that will mean a write up. Seen a couple guys fired.
One guy took out three wooden bridges on a dirt road hauling dog food. Gone.
One guy was texting driving across the DC yard. Probably not real bright to deny it when they had him on camera. Gone.
One guy went ballistic on a store associate when it took to long to answer the door. And that will happen. Gone
However a guy hit a light base in Talladega, talking on the phone and took out the drivers side lower half of a truck, including rupturing the fuel tank. Fired on policy but appealed it and was reinstated because he was completely honest about his actions all the way through. No burn phone, no trying to hide what happened,. Just manned up to his actions. Bentonville accident committee gave him his job back with two steps. Three steps your gone, but he is still here after all that.
Now about those folks on the internet. A few of them on truckers report do not work for Wal-Mart. A few are just like Nero and want to see it all burn. I would point out to look for how many attempted to rationally discuss the stuff changing that got tired of the two or three trolls just lighting fires.
We have approximately 125 drivers. Most just keep to themselves and roll. About 4 or 5 are constantly whini by about how horrible it is, and the rest are like any other company. We whine about silly crap that is never gonna change, joke about how broke we are, and keep rolling. Just ignore those 4 or 5 and you'll be a lot happier.
The health insurance is not changing. Three plans. None are like a golden parachute deal, but they are not that bad. You will have to ask about how PTO is going to work for new guys. No one currently employed knows. Your HR Manager should be able to tell you. Feel free to ask anything. There is not a question about compensation or benefits that will cause you to not be hired.
Good luck.