reading this how can bush and FMCSA say without choking on their words that the mexican drivers are safe!!:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
well, excuse me................
but, there was a terrible crash in my area about 2-3 years ago.
it involved a Smith Transport driver.
Smith Transport - Dedicated To Excellence
this IDIOT, did a u-turn from the high speed lanes of I-95 in the state of RI, into the median, and out the other side. it was early morning.
an innocent man, on his way to work was in the high speed lane.
it don't MATTER that the guy was in the hammer lane........(the 4 wheeler)
it DOES MATTER that the idiot Smith Transport driver WAS, and doing an ILLEGAL u-turn ON A HIGHWAY....
the man in his four wheeler didn't (or couldn't) see the turning trailer.......
the man rear-ended the trailer, and died at the scene.
it took at least 2 wreckers to remove the 4 wheeler from the trailer........
one man died, because of an IDIOT truck driver...........
so the moral to your statement is, "it don't have to be a Mexican driver" that does stupid things..............
AMERICAN truck drivers are STUPID AS WELL................