Truckers Express Shuts Down, Leaving Truckers Unpaid

Freight Relocators

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Micki Ball contracted with Trucker’s Express Inc.’s brokerage service to haul a load from Aurora, IL, to Jacksonville, FL, for $2,200 in early December.

One week later, Ball got a phone call from her factoring agent – the service had downgraded Trucker’s Express and removed them from its no-load list after finding out the company had tens of thousands of dollars in outstanding load payments to other carriers.

Ball, who co-owns Ball Carriers LLC with her husband, Wade, did some digging and found that the Department of Transportation had yanked Trucker’s Express’ operating authority three times in the previous three years.

“If I’d seen that I wouldn’t have taken that load,” Ball said.
The Missoula, MT-based company officially closed its doors Feb. 26, leaving many carriers without payment for loads hauled during the past several months.

The Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association has taken reports from more than a dozen drivers who reported they haven’t been paid by Trucker’s Express, Inc.