Piss and Moan... What a rediculous country we live in. We can buy our own land, but we can't use it. I love america.
Here is what I would do if I were in a rebel state of mind. I would put up a HUGE privacy fence that covered enough of the view of my property so people could not see my truck sitting in my yard. I would also make it a gated entrance that could only be opened by me and my spouse and Dare the government to come on my property with out a seizure warrant.
I would then place land mines all on the inside perameter of my land and post a sign stating "Watch your Step".
Since we can buy everything, and own nothing nor have the rights to use what we buy, I think I will quit my driving career, start drawing medicaid for my family and put out donation jars at gas stations to make my income. In the process I will accidentally on purpose break my leg so severely that I have to draw dissability. I will then totally live off the Government and Tax payers. This is the land of opportunity, so why not take advantage of it?