even with the many so call in the know truckers saying it cannot be done, it really IS slowly being done all the ones that are saying it cannot be done are doing is slowing the process a bit join the growing movement BOYCOTT CA.
no...............its only an "insignificant few" that are "talking about" not going into california................
Many truck drivers pledged not to drive into California following the state’s approval of multiple regulations in recent years, including 2008 regulations limiting idling to five minutes and requiring all truck engines to have emission compliance labels affixed by the manufacturer.
A "Pledge" is not an actual event taking place.....its only "talk the talk" BS....
Mark Kirch, an OOIDA member from Cortland, OH, said he hasn’t taken his truck to California since the 1990s.
yeah, ok.....here we go......this one driver's non california trips are hurting the economy......or are you considering this a boycott in major numbers....??? gimme a break........
Kirch told Land Line he wondered how freight prices would be affected if all out-of-state drivers agreed to do the same.
again, someone's opinion, as not everyone will listen to any boycott and actually participate....
“If every driver would quit going there, things would change quickly,” Kirch said.
and IF EVERY driver would quit going there, there would be replacement drivers waiting................he's got his head up his @ss.....
California’s high fuel prices, traffic-slammed highways and lack of parking have spurred many drivers to say the same, Spencer said.
high fuel prices, lack of parking, traffic-slammed highways, are EVERYWHERE.....NOT JUST CALIFORNIA, on this point, Spencer is an idiot, and I DO belong to the OOIDA.....!! but his statement, isn't just true of california, so he's blowing smoke up someone's @ss, and it ain't mine.....
“So many of the guys simply say, ‘Forget it, I’m not going,’” Spencer said.
again, its "talk the talk" only.......no company driver can say "forget it", no o/o that has a huge monthly payment can say "forget it"...........only the few who think that they will still be in business, the next few weeks..........that's right, i said WEEKS.....how long can anyone survive with out paying loads....??? refuse a good paying load either into or out of california, they had better have something that will pay nearly double the money california freight will pay.........
again........."talk the talk"...........no action..............no