Posting Links to other Websites - Please Read

Freight Relocators

Well-Known Member
Staff member
We wanted to go ahead and get this set into place now, before we get too far along in the development of this website.

Our policy on posting links to other websites will be pretty simple, and compared to some of the other trucking forums I visit and participate in, it will be much more liberal.

You may post links to any other sites, providing:
  • It is not an affiliate link
  • It is not a direct advertisement for your own product
  • It does not go to a site that we determine to be inappropriate content.
We feel that posting links that are beneficial to the content of a thread should be allowed, and as long as they fall within these simple guidelines, the link will be allowed.

Signature Links:
Again, we are very liberal with signature links. All we ask is that you keep them relatively small so they are not an eyesore, and that you are not linking to inappropriate content. You may use a signature link to link to your own product, website, etc.., but please limit this to only a couple links. We feel that by allowing you to post links of this nature in your signature will greatly cut down on our work of removing them from within the content of threads, while at the same time allowing you show links to your websites.

Thank you for your cooperation in this.
I don't think you can get more fair than that. I think the staff here is very even-hand helpful... hummmm that is sort of... well refreshing. Most forums I play around on are either very heavy handed or just don't care.
You don't get more fair and reasonable than that. It makes sense to. Unlike another trucking site Im on where you can say a name, but if the person you are replying to should see another web page you have to tell them to google it. :wtf: