Owner Operators Forum Now Open


Well-Known Member
Since some of the new visitors browsing our new website are owner operators, we wanted to go ahead and get this forum out in the open. This forum is for all owner operators and drivers or potential drivers wanting to discuss owner operator related topics.

Enjoy the forum.
Fuel and the rate per mile are my graetest concerns. For 20 plus years it semed to have stayed in the 21-28 cents per mile. Begruginly they are having to pay more now but I still have to compete with the driver who loses money to keep the truck on the road.
Help me think this the rest of the way through
Hey any of the old owner ops for RexnDon on here? Sugarfoot, little charlie, McVicker, twodogs? If anyone knows them tell them "Sparky" at wabash says hello.
Owner Operators Forum

I currently own a truck and have a driver that's on the road. I need to know the best way to get loads on a consistant basis. In addition, does anyone know of any associations that I could join to understand the industry trend?

Any insight would be very much appreciated.
As a fellow o/o I am deeply concerned with the direction this industry and country are headed. Please look past the propaganda the media is feeding us.
I have had a lot of onwer ops, have to give it up lately. Just too many costs and not enough pay. How much longer do you guys think you can hang in there?
looking for someone who will end up in L.A. empty and going towards Houston I have a load for the right person with a closed container. interested email me thanks
Marstech, are you from houston or fimiliar with houston, if so, i am a student driver at hcc and is looking to get into car hauling do you know of any companies in houston that take student and train them, also any that accepts people that are on probation. also any that only runs in texas like to el paso from houston, cause you can run 3000 in texas alone.
looking for someone who will end up in L.A. empty and going towards Houston I have a load for the right person with a closed container. interested email me thanks
Marstech, are you from houston or fimiliar with houston, if so, i am a student driver at hcc and is looking to get into car hauling do you know of any companies in houston that take student and train them, also any that accepts people that are on probation. also any that only runs in texas like to el paso from houston, cause you can run 3000 in texas alone.
Can I say a few words on some of your comments? First of all, why the hell are you all talking about fuel savers, ending your careers, and crying about the industry? Why invest money in a APU or fuel saver if the shit is going downhill? We as O/O's CAN survive this BS! WE have to unite and stand TOGETHER and HELP each other and NOT give up!! Plain & simple!!! See the O/O's unite on this forum and give me feedback. DO NOT give up!!!!! Lowest.
It's Time To Park 'Em

"S H U T 'E M
D O W N N O W"

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