do i gotta go
you can get jobs at pepsico, any bread company, etc and still drive the big trucks..when home time is no longer critical and you go otr, you will go back to a trainer and doing the much changes state to state and hours of service are different for every and fedex also do a step program..look at driving for sls logistics or a grocery warehouse, or milk can also go into bulk oil/gas hauling that train you to stay in the neighborhood..propane/gas is great too..the schools get a kickback..if you go to a technical school or a votech or community college-its the same piece of paper and they can certify you..truck schools are like puppy mills..a unauthorized or unacceptable school will cost 6000 bucks and still be not worth paper printed on. chk with companies you would like to work for, and ask their office which schools they accept..for example- the number one school in united states is in drumright ok..u stay in a trailer house with cable, showers etc.they have their own driving range, have great job opportunities etc and are accepted everywhere. another one is self pay through a votech at 50 bucks a month and only cost 1800 bucks..good for insurance, there is a way around every law..u can train with friends, spouses, neighbors, the boss only requires about 500 hours of oversight by someone with a cdl. but, learning to read a walmart map of all stores, and figuring out how to relax on downtime and rent planes, trains and automobiles is the best part of training..reading a book on chain installation and having a trainer show you is like nite and day. Ive been out here 10 years and learned all the little tricks, like clothesline for temporary chains when stuck on glaze ice, or bbq on the trk..navigating mountain passes so you dont stall out, and stuff i"s the fun stuff they really like you to learn hands on..""