National Safety Enforcement Blitz - October 21-28


Well-Known Member
No matter whether you’re driving a tractor-trailer or a personal vehicle, law enforcement officers across the country are gearing up for an enforcement blitz set for Oct. 21-28.

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration are coordinating the enforcement effort with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Governor’s Highway Safety Association, International Association of Chiefs of Police and American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators.

The week-long program is a spin-off of the Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks program sponsored by FMCSA. Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks – or TACT for short – is a program using enforcement, education, media and evaluation to reduce fatalities and injuries resulting from acts such as cutting off, tailgating, and speeding around trucks.

The program pairs law enforcement with truckers. Officers ride along in the trucks watching out for violations by both drivers of passenger vehicles and truckers. The officer in the truck calls ahead to additional officers in patrol units who then stop the car or truck. Not all stops result in tickets, many of the programs hand out brochures explaining many of the common dangerous maneuvers passenger vehicle drivers commit around trucks.

The Oct. 21-28 enforcement blitz coordinators intend to build on the success of the TACT program. Law enforcement plans to focus on several specific violations.

The plan includes:

  • Removal of unsafe and fatigued commercial vehicle drivers from the highways;
  • Take enforcement action against drivers who fail to buckle up; and
  • Take enforcement action against non-commercial drivers operating in an unsafe manner around trucks and buses.
Source - Land Line
Most of these sort of programs I am against. This one seems be be a good idea for the most part. What do you guys think?
i think its a good idea so many 4 weelers get just passed my bumper and cut over when passen me and i drive 4 swift so everyones passing me thay dont know dangerious it is and yesterday going down I-70 west heave rain had a moter home right on dot bar two hrs
Well, this is how I see it going down. The 4 wheeler enorcement will consist of catching a few more speeders (maybe), and coffee being given out in the rest areas over the weekend this goes on.

On the Truck side, a bunch more spot checking of the log book.