Life on the road

In the words of Joe Cocker all I need is a “little help from my friends”.

McCartney, actually...
the words I mean...
Just sayin'...
but Joe Cocker rocked that tune like none of the dozens of other covers.
Pssssst... I have a Saturn. 2004 Ion. Her name is Eileen. She rattles a little in the vents and she listed to the left a little when I got her (fixed now) but she's a good one. Really has some get up and go, too :biggrin-2: she was practically new when I got her, only had around 26,000 miles on. Did want to trade in for another truck but I got too attached.
Why do girls always name their cars?

I only had one vehicle that I named. It was this old rusty lumbering pile of junk 1979 Dodge pickup. I called it "The Dodge". I got the idea from Al Bundy. ;)
Why do girls always name their cars?

I only had one vehicle that I named. It was this old rusty lumbering pile of junk 1979 Dodge pickup. I called it "The Dodge". I got the idea from Al Bundy. ;)

I wasn't going to name her at first but I was talking to my friend about her and "I lean to the left" came up and I got Eileen from that.
I just call my truck The Truck. Because it's a Chevy and doesn't deserve a good name.
Well, ...

We went from this:

View attachment 32914

To this:

View attachment 32915

Sometimes "progress" is when you realize you've done f*ed up & that the best course of action is to turn around and go back.

Metaphorically speaking, of course....

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With all due respect there @Duck that CASCADIA has a much nicer SLEEPER than that Pete 379.....

Now that Pete looks cooler and goes faster but for LIVING QUARTERS that old box sleeper sucks balls
Nah, that cascadia could go just as fast. An o/o would reset the computer so fast, it's not funny.

But we all know driving faster than a governor set for 65 is hazardous
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With all due respect there @Duck that CASCADIA has a much nicer SLEEPER than that Pete 379.....

Now that Pete looks cooler and goes faster but for LIVING QUARTERS that old box sleeper sucks balls

Living Quarters...who am I $hitting here...

Afterall I currently drive a 2013 Volvo 680 and live in a COAT CLOSET...


My TINY @$$ Fridge...


No MICROWAVE...but I got my Hiking Set Up for Soup and Canned Stuff..


Jet Boil runs off Propane/Butane canisters and is rather "efficient" I get 2/3 weeks off a 9oz canister.....

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Here @GAnthony ....

I stuck my foot for True "Scale"....

Size 11 and a Half

View attachment 32926
wow... a few years, i had a freightshaker with a nice fridge. i would imagine what is known as a college dorm sized one..??? (or close to it)

it really served me no purpose, as i was home daily, due to my particular run, but i still kept a few things in it for "just in case" reasons.

man.....did you get gypped.

i tried looking up your model truck on Volvo's website, for inside pics, could only find exterior.
That Al Jazeera piece attempts to portray Harsell as a typical truck driver.

The average idiot will only see the junky old truck, the barefoot scruffy looking old man who could easily pass for a homeless guy at a soup kitchen, and his other eccentricities & think we're all like that.

That guy has some highly respectable political views regarding trucking & excessive regulation but his unique and strange lifestyle is entirely his own. He's eccentric & has a lot of philosophical views that to the rest of us are simply bizarre, such as his adamant opposition to modern plumbing.

He was on this forum for a while but he left because we picked on him too much.

If you decide to latch on to some truck driver & kind of emulate that Al Jazeera piece, please don't pick some eccentric weirdo because if you do, your article or documentary will be no more accurate or respectable as journalism than some dramatized trash you'd see on Ice Road Truckers & it will further damage the general public's already negative stereotypical view of the professionals who keep this country rolling.


Now that guy is the Heart And Soul of Trucking....

Infact one day I "aspire" to be like Mr Harsell....

Why you be "HATING"......

Now that guy is the Heart And Soul of Trucking....

Infact one day I "aspire" to be like Mr Harsell....

Why you be "HATING"......
Not hating.

The man fights for the rights of truck drivers. He's a hero in that respect.

But any media rep who presents him as the average trucker & uses his manner of dress & his Chris McCandless lifestyle for shock value or ratings is doing us all a disservice.

The guy who started this thread describes himself as an old school journalist so I'm fairly confident he's out for accuracy instead of the tabloid crap the majority of media people only seem to be interested in.
He was also offered a chance to ride around in a truck for a couple of days and didn't even acknowledge the offer.

How much more accurate could you get with that experience. Stopping in truckstops, eating at liar's counter. Seeing traffic treating trucks. Seeing trucks treating traffic. Seeing what happens in weigh stations.
AL Jazeera America is going away because of the bizarre brand of journalism they used. Mainly writing. A story and then bending what they could find to make it fit. They were not as smooth as Faux, PMSNBC, Made up Headline News, Can't Know News.......

As for your pal Hartselle:paddle: