Just asking


I,m on my way to TMC ON 10/05/07 and I,m a new driver or should I say starting a new career in trucking. Any tips on how to get through the first 9 weeks.
I,m on my way to TMC ON 10/05/07 and I,m a new driver or should I say starting a new career in trucking. Any tips on how to get through the first 9 weeks.

Just focus on what's being presented to you. Be patient with yourself and ask questions if you don't get something.
Alot of people won't ask when they are hung up on something due to shyness or whatever the reason, and then confusion and not understanding sets in.
Communication is the KEY to learning!

Listening and understanding I can do thanks for the tip but starving on Ramen daily why would companies know this happens and don,t increase your training pay or give at least a 10 dollar a day food allowance.:eek:
Thats because the people that need training are normally down on their luck and broke, so they can get away with paying you dirt cheap. In an industry where turnover is 116% currently, alot of people get in and out.
I,m on my way to TMC ON 10/05/07 and I,m a new driver or should I say starting a new career in trucking. Any tips on how to get through the first 9 weeks.
ziggyzago, I believe you will be driving a flatbed, If so a few quik points to remember. Always leave a good distance in front of you, to stop. Always make sure your chains are snug. Stop and check them about every couple of hours. Make sure you have plenty of rest. And most of all, Drive slow on ALL RAMPS, or any curves. Again, quote, be carefull on All curves and ramps, and I think you will do just fine. If you have any questions regaurding safety, jump on the CB, or truck stop, THERE will be some driver, that will give you some good advice. Good Luck, and enjoy your new job. Holy cow, looked at the date, a little late, but if any other driver, driving a flatbed, hope this helps ya a little.
I always slow way down on off ramps, and let me tell you, there are a lot of trucks who get real ticked about this because they want to blow by me like I am an idiot or something. When I drove out west I saw enough rolled over trucks to respect the offramps!