Illinois House fails to override uniform speed veto


Well-Known Member
Supporters of uniform speed limits on Illinois highways once again are feeling the sting of Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s influence. An effort to bring an end to split speed limits in Illinois was defeated this afternoon after the governor launched a late full-court press to quash the effort.

The Illinois House voted against overriding Blagojevich’s veto of a bill that sought to eliminate the provision in state law that set up slower speed limits on rural interstates for vehicles weighing more than 8,000 pounds. Currently, those vehicles are required to travel 10 mph below the 65 mph speed limit for other vehicles.

House lawmakers voted during the regular session 57-53 in favor of the bill – SB540 – to increase large truck speeds to 65 mph. But the chamber was 14 votes shy of the three-fifths majority needed for a successful veto override today.

Senate lawmakers voted 39-10 earlier this month to override the governor’s veto.

This latest attempt marks the third time in recent years that House and Senate lawmakers sent a uniform speed limit bill to Blagojevich. As was the case with the previous efforts, the margin of support in both chambers during the regular session was more than the three-fifths majority needed for a veto override. On each occasion enough legislators switched their votes to uphold the governor’s veto.

Two states I hate running in, Ohio, and Illinois. And thats the reason why, I dont like to break the law, but traveling across both states in the same day at 55 makes a long day.