How Do You Feel About Mexicans Operating OTR in the USA?


Well-Known Member
Well, How do You Feel?
I voted that I hated it. I think it is a very dangerous situation as well as a slap in the face to American drivers. Most of the Mexican who live in this country can not read or write english so I am pretty certain these truckers can not either. I think it will make for very dangerous driving situations.
This scheme is only about creating a one world government or NEW WORLD ORDER. These politicians Bush, Cheney among others want the US constitution abolished along with the US borders so they can create the NAU or North American Union, Google it and see for yourself.If you really want to understand the master plan they have in store for us,please search for THE CAPITALIST CONSPIRACY on Google video and watch all 47 minutes. Then keep researching and above all , inform your fellow Americans before we no longer have a nation!!!

( other helpful links PNAC,IAPAC,NASCO,CFR,NAU,NWO )
The United States of America is a great place to live and work, keep the ousiders OUT and it'll remain the best country in the world!! Just how many American people move to Pakistan, Kenya, Mexico, Russia, ETC to become truck drivers and store owners?? Maybe 1%. Americans dont leave America, EVERYONE comes here. If the govt doesnt slow down to a minumum the pace of foreigners coming into this country pretty soon true Americans will be extinct. Best of luck to us all...
I live in Arizona. And I don't think it's right. We have enough Mexicans coming into this country illegally as it is. We don't need that doubled by having them come in legally to take American jobs. But to be the devil's advocate, these illegal Mexicans do the jobs that Americans don't want. Some of these Americans are living on the streets, homeless, jobless and filthy. And it makes me very mad to think that when they are offered a job picking cotton or picking fruit that they think they are too good to do manual labor. Yet, the Mexicans are more than willing to do the job whether they are legal or illegal. We lose either way.
Actually you are wrong.....Americans are willing to do those jobs...just not for the money that the illegals will do them for.

In recent years there has been a great deal of reverse outsourcing.....especially in the computer fields. They are now offering Americans the same money that they would pay in India. It's working....Americans who want to work will take the pay cut.
Actually you are wrong.....Americans are willing to do those jobs...just not for the money that the illegals will do them for.

In recent years there has been a great deal of reverse outsourcing.....especially in the computer fields. They are now offering Americans the same money that they would pay in India. It's working....Americans who want to work will take the pay cut.

And that is really sad. It's greed that had brought these companies to this medium. The profits some companies are making are in the 200 - 300 percentile. Where as, if outsourcing had never occured, their profits would range between 10 - 30 percent of overhead.
We are Americans. We don't get to decide whether we have a say so with anything our sorryass government does to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If we did we'd still have radar detectors in our trucks, we wouldn't be paying lumpers to unload someone else's freight. All the cowboy ass drivers wanna do is bitch on the radio and threaten to whip somebody's butt, then putting all that energy to stopping some of the shi- that goes on out here.
truckers unite............WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!
Accer, if we got what the illegals get, we could afford to do these jobs.FREE housing,FREE medical, PAY NO taxes, FREE food stamps. Damn right we could afford to do EVERY job a wet-back is doing...............
Ok, illegals are one matter and the other is the one I'm planning.
What if a Finn came to US and wanted to be a trucker? Pay the taxes and play by the rules in every way? Since this has came to my mind more than a couple of times, I'd like to know what You think of it?
Why is it that I'd like to move from Finland to the US? I'm sick and tired of our taxation, poor conditions of living and most of all: The cr*ppy weather. There are some other reasons too but the list is too long to publish. :)


And I would vote Hate it if the poll was still open.
If you go through the proper procedure of coming into this country legally there isn't a problem. Don't think for one minute that our government is not going to tax you and it will be high. The IRS has way too much power and the whole infrastructure has gotten out of hand. It is no longer a government by the people for the people. Our voting is a joke, the same people keep getting in there and they don't do anything to help the working class people. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. It is so much easier for a government to control poor, hungry people than it is to control people who can buy a vote.

As for the mexicans driving across the US, I feel it has taken jobs away from the local border trucking companies and forced their drivers to have to find work elsewhere. The big picture is that our government is selling us out to the world and soon we will not have one freedom left......
About the taxation in Finland: At the time I'm making abt. $35000-40000 / year and the government wants roughly 30% of that. And that's just the beginning... After you've paid your income tax, you have to pay taxes for everything you buy/consume/breath/and so on... The final result is that our tax rate is really somewhere around 60-65%.
And no, I don't want to be rich, I just want to be able to do something and enjoy my life. And I really mean that. Here if you buy a car, for instance, the prices are abt. 30-60% higher than there in the US. Every item that you really don't need for survival, costs huge amounts of money.

And those points abt. the government in the US, know them, heard them and understand them. The life ain't easy there but trust me, it's not easy here either. :)

couldn't vote but if i could have i would have voted that i hate it. just look at how most of them drive cars never mind trucks, nuff said.
I'm sitting in Laredo as I type this. I would guess the percentage of Mexicans vs American is 98% mexican. I'm talking drivers here. Was in Nogalis last week and same thing. I'm glad I'm headed out of here soon. going to Jacksonville then home. :)
OMG this is a bad topic for me to get involved in...
But you asked for it so I'll give you my views on this matter.

FIRST off,
The WORK that us drivers have here in the states is competitive enough!
We are all battling with the larger, BIGGER FISH like swift, werner, JB hunt, STAR, ect... Now NAFTA opens the doors even wider and add's a red carpet to the DEAL? BULLSHIT!

The freight that is within the United States borders should be TOTED to the borders by American Rigs, and American RIGS only!
Bot TOP and Bottom borders!

CLOSE THEM ALL! It's OUR freight!!!!!

My 2 cents,
OMG this is a bad topic for me to get involved in...
But you asked for it so I'll give you my views on this matter.

FIRST off,
The WORK that us drivers have here in the states is competitive enough!
We are all battling with the larger, BIGGER FISH like swift, werner, JB hunt, STAR, ect... Now NAFTA opens the doors even wider and add's a red carpet to the DEAL? BULLSHIT!

The freight that is within the United States borders should be TOTED to the borders by American Rigs, and American RIGS only!
Bot TOP and Bottom borders!

CLOSE THEM ALL! It's OUR freight!!!!!

My 2 cents,

It really is the only way to keep our drivers from losing jobs to mexican drivers. I remember when I drove for werner (ages ago) we would drop the trailer in Laredo, take all the pop out lights off, then they would put bald tires on em, and mexican drivers picked them up and took them to mexico. Seems that if a trailer went to mexico with good tires or light bulbs, they would be missing when they came back. Ok back to my point, this superhighway that they keep threatening us with is just the government and corporations(banks) trying to force us to merge and become the North American Union. That is why they don't want to close the border.