Give me some good Trucking Stories here at Home

Uncle Birchy

Well-Known Member
I know aint out there living out my full potential nowadays.

Sometimes at night I lay down cant sleep and daydream about Trucking..

Then I remember somewhere and next thingy ya know Im drinking coffee at a truckstop wake up realize Im just at home.

I dunno sometimes I loved Trucking was all "Gun Ho" waiting for the next adventure

Today I dont wanna leave town like my crappy house sleeping in my own bed.

Can ya "Encourage" Me bring me back out because I do not know if I wanna go again even if I needed the $$$
Truckstops aint what they used 2 be when I started..

Today unless ya hit the backroads its all Loves, Pee Lot, & Kwik Trip with a "Dennys" aint open half the the time.

I remember "Truckers Inn" not just a full 24/7 Restaurant a Drvers lounge with BIG screen hang out watch games too
Truckstops aint what they used 2 be when I started..

Today unless ya hit the backroads its all Loves, Pee Lot, & Kwik Trip with a "Dennys" aint open half the the time.

I remember "Truckers Inn" not just a full 24/7 Restaurant a Drvers lounge with BIG screen hang out watch games too
That last "Truckers Inn" 90 the Minnesota/ Wisconsin is a "Kwik-Trip" nowadays heck last 10 years or so now
Okay when I was Driving Truck I daydreamed about "Hiking"..

When I walk the Forest Preserves I daydream about my Trucking Days..

Wow thats just messed up
For all that atleast "Millis Transfer" had Sattelite Radio & Weigh My Truck "Cat Scale" App..

But only 65mph hauling Colt 45 Malt Liquor
This was Cat Scale afer Millis..

Hadda Park go inside run "Comdata" Fuel Card..

Thankfully I weighed alrighty otherwise hadda slide the tandems too..

Wow holy crap I need fix my youtube channel..

Neither one of those was Millis Transfer..

Real Millis 2022 ya know one of those "Dirt-Bag" hire anybody as ya call it..

Let me tell ya something about Millis Transfer company.

One of the "Nicer" operations I worked for wish I had "Stayed"

I no life or a payroll just afew "part-time" gigs
Thingy always got me about "Trucking" eh we got weekends or sombody 2 cover "Sick Days"..

Never worked like that once they put ya in a "Unit" ya were GONE on the way to Texas or up in Minneapolis on a "West Coast" Turnaroud.

"Home-Time" up in Minnesota I would stay out 4/6 Weeks give me 2 "Off" we sort of had an "Understanding"

Other places as soon as ya got home Dispatch ringimg my cell phone at Midnight I need somebody 2 "Cover"..

Eh im on "Home-Time" put in a week ahead tooo

$300 Dollars "Bonus" plus normal & "Layover" Pay too we need thus done was a "GM" load outta Michigan

Once I did that rest of time I was the "Sucker" everytime