
Well-Known Member
TO OWNER/OPERATORS. WHY,WHY we paying factoring. 20 years ago
I start driving with produce to Hunt Point Market. When I got empty they paid me right way (called COD). Today if you want to get paid right away
they charge us 2% factoring fees. 20 years ago was no problem advance for fuel, today extra fees.
BROKER FEES was 8% today they do not want to tell how much load is paying. They set own price for loads. Their profit 25-35 %. This is why we do not have money. Rest goes to diesel prices.
Load from Chicago, IL to Los Angeles, Ca from 2100.00 to 2600.00
diesel 1600-1700 in winter even more. One flat tire 500.00, Good luck.

brokers suck

:cheers:Ihave my own MC# and I have my broker auth I will only take $35 a load no mater what the gross because I own my one truck and know what it cost to run. I know a guy that does the same thing and was called up by another broker who said he was going to sue him because he was taking all his work because he was paying better. If there were more brokers like us, trucking would be a good bus. to be in
Have you ever thought of using the web-based services that let's you bid on the load. Atleast you get to set your own price and firgure the percentage they charge into the price. That's better than a broker taken advantage of your service. Try some of the ones were it is free to become a member that way you won't loose anything.
Hey Guys,

If we worked as hard to get along as we do to Bash each other there would be loads, money, and success for us all....
We try very hard to treat everyone as we would like to be treated ..... We ask for fair prices in taking customer orders, and we pay
fair prices to the carriers we work with ..... I can't speak for everyone .... but I do know that everyone is not unfair ...

Drive safe ..........
Re: brokers suck

hi i was wondering how you go about finding loads, i drove for double D now for over a year and a half i they still wont pay me more the .34cpm and its not cutting it. so i thought about buying my own truck and a flatbed. any help would be great.
We just recently started a program with broker dispatch. We have several o/o that we had talked to that were struggling with finding freight. We have worked out a program with them for assisting them with dedicated lanes or areas and helping them find regular shipments in those lanes. They tell us what their preferred amount is per mile and what their bottom line amount per mile is and we make the calls or match them up with our already existing customers. As I have said before - yes there are some bad brokers out there- like there are in any industry. There are also bad drivers. I had one carrier that contacted me and he indicated his preferred amount per mile was $5.00 but he would settle for no less than $3.50 per mile. Those are hard to find shippers for with those rates- especially since he is seeking OTR not short hauls and is very direct on which lane he will run as he wants to be home every weekend. I wished him the best indicated I would certainly keep his number and would do our best to try to find that but was very reluctant that we would be able to find what he was seeking. On average most of the loads we get are paying over $2 per mile. We have a few customers that are determined to hold onto their freight until last minute to try to obtain bottom dollar pricing, and I often do not do much in the line of aggressively seeking to move their freight as it is not fair to carriers.

GOOD LUCK and Happy Trucking!!!
Re: brokers suck

I started out with Werner after driving school at Boise State University. It was petty much a nightmare. but a lot of it was because of the recession that hit trucking hard in '08. I had to take a leave of abscence for the birth of my daughter in March 2008, and never went back. Now they want me to rejoin, but I want my own authority, I can afford to buy a used truck and get the credentials but am wondering "which comes first, the truck, the authority, the insurance? it seems like I can't get an insurance quote without a truck, but how do you buy and bring back a truck without the insurance? I guess I could get the authority lined up 1st, but what if I can't find affordable insurance coverage? What is a reasonable cost of insurance? What is reasonable coverage? What would be excessive or uneeded coverage?

Ideally I would like to drive back and forth from Boise to Salt Lake/Denver and back and to Portland or Long Beach Washington hauling agricultural commodities and/or containers. I want more home time than I was getting at Werner. I only got home for 3 days in 6 months with them.

Am I being unrealistic?