Ex-dispatcher accused of forcing truck drivers to pay him


Well-Known Member
STOCKTON - A volatile former Lodi trucking firm dispatcher accused of forcing drivers to secretly pay him in exchange for prime routes appeared in court Thursday for arraignment in what prosecutors believe is the county's first reported case of commercial bribery.

James Canclini, 41, of Lodi was also arraigned on charges of making criminal threats, threatening a witness and failing to file tax returns on the money he earned in the alleged bribery scheme, according to the felony warrant used to arrest him Wednesday.

"I don't want that going on here," said Terry Tarditi, owner of T&T Trucking, who fired Canclini in June and then called in the San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office to investigate. "I suspected it was going on, but I couldn't prove it."

I bet he is not the only one doing that. So many times I have seen guys get load after load while others sit for no seeming reason. We have a hot line at our company that is you think anything is going on you can call and report without giving your name. Everyone should have that.
I bet he is not the only one doing that. So many times I have seen guys get load after load while others sit for no seeming reason. We have a hot line at our company that is you think anything is going on you can call and report without giving your name. Everyone should have that.

I think its also a matter of working your dispatchers. When I started back in July I was getting some good runs. My 3rd week though was a different story. When I saw my paycheck for that week, I gave him an ear full! Now he does his best to keep me moving because he knows if I sit to long, he's gonna be receiving some messages from me about every 15 minutes. He also knows on Fridays if I'm finishing up a run after he gets off to try and get me a pre-assigned load to carry me through the weekend. That way I won't have to deal with the night and weekend dispatchers.
Oh yeh tell them to check with owner operators for Swift that was running out of the Elpaso Terminal they will see they too were having to pay for loads.