Enery Drinks


Well-Known Member
So whats the best enery drink for the road? Mt. Dew used to rule them all. I sort of like rockstar now. Don't like the taste of redbull. Full throttle is okay and monster is good. Do they beat good ol' coffee?
I tend to avoid all of these other than coffee, and I try to limit that to just in the mornings.

I have had the "5 hour energy drink", and it seemed to pep me up rather well. Normally though, if I feel like I need an energy drink, I get out of the truck, walk around and stretch, or take a quick nap.
A 10 minute power nap is my Energy Drink! No coffee, no Energy drinks. Just water and juice. Walking around a rest area for about 5 minutes can get you going too.
Oddly those drinks don't have enough of those all natural remedies to make them useful. Its a placebo effect. I used to be a local driver for one of the places that made all the pepsi energy drinks, all the monster, and some other smaller drinks.
We had a 20 year old here recently who mixed an energy drink with allergy medication and ended up spending the night in the hospital with a racing heart. So use them with caution.
There are several of them, and SoBe Green Tea is one, that shouldn't be taken with most allergy pills....it has something to do with the Ginko in them. It's a bad combination apparently.
I just drink Tea, Water and the occasional Welch's grape soda. If I need energy I stop stretch my legs and pop in a fireball to suck on.
I just drink Tea, Water and the occasional Welch's grape soda. If I need energy I stop stretch my legs and pop in a fireball to suck on.

I do the fireballs and I also like peppermints. they seem to perk me up. Also lemon heads, but I will snack on a couple of them without being tired. Too bad I cannot find them sugar free.