I have been jumping from different forums to different forums today reading about the upcoming strike (shutdown).
What bothers me the most, is I am seeing a lot of users who are saying let them shut down, hopefully the railroad will take over.
WTF? Are these people really the ignorant?
Yea, I have a set of railroad tracks right through my little community that I live in.
The 5:00 am train comes through and stops and drops off supplies at my local grocery store all the time..
As slow as the railroad is about getting freight moved, could you imagine?
The railroad here in KY (CSX) had a derailment a few years ago, right behind my dads house.
He owns a 300 acre farm in the next little town east of me, the railroad splits his farm.
Well they had a derailment, and when the inspectors and all came in to look at what happened, they told us (my dad and me) that they had been searching for that one rail car for 3 YEARS!
These people, that think the railroad is going to deliver there flat screen tv's and there gallons of milk, and dozens of eggs are in for a rude awakening.
I didn't even have the heart to sign up to the forum's and tell them they were stupid.