Discussions about the shutdown on other forums


Well-Known Member
What are you seeing on other forums? Are you seeing a general support of this shutdown? lack of support?

Curious what the general reaction is on trucking and non-trucking forums.
non-trucking forums.

The one non trucking forum I frequent a lot, is generally supportive of it, just because they think if it happens gas prices will come down.

I usually try to stay out of the discussion. I will post up the information then set back and watch the reaction's.

It's funny sometimes, because this forum I am talking about is full of admin's for all types of forums, and coders and hackers and artist and then me, a poor ole truck driver.:biglaugh:
What are you seeing on other forums? Are you seeing a general support of this shutdown? lack of support?

Curious what the general reaction is on trucking and non-trucking forums.

places i am amemebr of are laughing at the April fools day joke well in advance.

other than that, NO discussions
don't get around much do you , its on the cb,radio, all over the net ,tv ,down at the local stores

i'm on the "D-L list"......(disabled) right now. i got no reason to go to work, drive a truck, jsut to listen to an April Fool's Day joke comming up.

as far as "the net".....here i am....this site......

and by far, its the ONLY site that pretty much is talking about it.....

TV....?? you think i waste my time watching all that violence, swearing, tradgedy on the news....??

heck, if it ain't sex, nudity, killing, high speed crashes like on HBO, i ain't wasting my time......:beep:
I have been jumping from different forums to different forums today reading about the upcoming strike (shutdown).

What bothers me the most, is I am seeing a lot of users who are saying let them shut down, hopefully the railroad will take over.

WTF? Are these people really the ignorant?

Yea, I have a set of railroad tracks right through my little community that I live in.
The 5:00 am train comes through and stops and drops off supplies at my local grocery store all the time..:cheers:

As slow as the railroad is about getting freight moved, could you imagine?

The railroad here in KY (CSX) had a derailment a few years ago, right behind my dads house.
He owns a 300 acre farm in the next little town east of me, the railroad splits his farm.

Well they had a derailment, and when the inspectors and all came in to look at what happened, they told us (my dad and me) that they had been searching for that one rail car for 3 YEARS!

These people, that think the railroad is going to deliver there flat screen tv's and there gallons of milk, and dozens of eggs are in for a rude awakening.

I didn't even have the heart to sign up to the forum's and tell them they were stupid.
Many people just don't understand how the trucking industry works. Try to explain "just in time freight" to them and you will get a blank stare.
Many people just don't understand how the trucking industry works. Try to explain "just in time freight" to them and you will get a blank stare.

I even saw one post where the user said " I don't care to receive my packages a day later, let the railroad take it over"

LOL! A railroads day is usually about a month and half long....
This is another thing that ticks me off about all this...

First let me say, I am not old enough to really remember what happened back in the 70's or I just didn't care about it. I am 37 years old...

I visited several forums yesterday, and today even. I have been seeing a lot of "Old Timer's" posting..

"It will never happen we already tried this once before" you can't get enough drivers to back you"

Why not? Back then you "old timers" didn't have the internet, so you only had telephones, or visit's and some even had TV.:bounce:

Now though we have the internet, and laptops, and cell phones and all this high tech gadgetery, you "old timers" never had.

I understand a lot of driver's don't have laptops, but usually they have the internet when they get home, if they get home.

There should be no reason why this should not be "The Biggest". At least the most talked about one yet.
This is why those that are focused on seeing the industry improved have to just "tune out" the negativity.

To be successful, people need to be prepared to support this, and if it fails because not enough participated, they need to be ready to plan and do it again, only the next time with better planning. It is tough to do though, because nobody can lead this. I can say I support the cause and believe in it, but I can't start an effort and take control of it. Our government won't allow it. So, all we can do is discuss the idea and make it happen. That is why I say I "support everyone shutting down on April 1", and not "I am calling for everyone to shut down". Gotta be very careful about this.
This is another thing that ticks me off about all this...

First let me say, I am not old enough to really remember what happened back in the 70's or I just didn't care about it. I am 37 years old...

I visited several forums yesterday, and today even. I have been seeing a lot of "Old Timer's" posting..

"It will never happen we already tried this once before" you can't get enough drivers to back you"

Why not? Back then you "old timers" didn't have the internet, so you only had telephones, or visit's and some even had TV.:bounce:

Now though we have the internet, and laptops, and cell phones and all this high tech gadgetery, you "old timers" never had.

I understand a lot of driver's don't have laptops, but usually they have the internet when they get home, if they get home.

There should be no reason why this should not be "The Biggest". At least the most talked about one yet.
From one of them "oldtimers", did you join in Jan.08 or were you born in Jan.08? The "70,s" weren`t in the ice age. we had TV`S. We had telephones. why heck, some of us "oldtimers" even had CB radios! Maybe you need to take a little walk back in time and do a little research on past truck "shutdowns" before you get your "know it all attitude all reved up! That 38`s one more than you`ve been here!
From one of them "oldtimers", did you join in Jan.08 or were you born in Jan.08? The "70,s" weren`t in the ice age. we had TV`S. We had telephones. why heck, some of us "oldtimers" even had CB radios! Maybe you need to take a little walk back in time and do a little research on past truck "shutdowns" before you get your "know it all attitude all reved up! That 38`s one more than you`ve been here!

LOL! Hold on "Oldtimer" Before we have to give you some oxygen...

I never said you didn't have telephones or CB's...Do you need glasses?

I said you didn't have the internet, laptops, or cell phones.

No where did I mention anything about you "Oldtimers" not having telephones or CB's.
I will admit the TV was a joke, because some did have them, BUT some didn't.

I'm not going to get into a computer CB rambo conversation with you about this, just pointing out that you need to read all of the post before you comment.

The just of the post was about back then the "oldtimers" didn't have the technology to "Communicate" with one another. Today, I make this post and tomorrow 50,000 people could have read it at any given time.

Back then word did not travel that fast...
i heard some chatter on the cb this past week but didn't pay much attention to it. when i saw it yesterday for the first time here i was surprised on how much i missed during the week.