Connecticut Environmental Officials Whining About Idling Trucks Again


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The state Department of Environmental Protection has kicked off a campaign to educate truckers about the damage caused by idling engines.

DEP officials have talked with trucking industry leaders and plan a marketing campaign that they hope persuades truckers to obey the state's three-minute idling limit, agency spokesman Dennis Schain said.

"We've met with some success," Schain said of the $50,000 program. "We're working on more specific signage that could be posted, and literature and brochures that could be given to the driving public."

DEP officials also are talking with truckers about new technology they could use.

When truckers pull over to the side of the road or park at rest areas, they often keep their engines idling to provide air conditioning or heat if they sleep in the cab, said Michael Riley, president of the Connecticut Motor Transport Association. Sometimes, they need a power source to run heat or air conditioning in the trailer to protect cargo, Riley said.

But idling trucks emit pollutants that harm air quality and could cause health problems such as asthma, said Charles Rothenberger, an attorney for the Connecticut Fund for the Environment in New Haven.

Idling doesn't produce a tremendous amount of emissions, but it contributes to the problem, he said.

"The idling issue is focused on the fact that it is unnecessary," Rothenberger said. "It's not producing as much pollutants, but it's something that can be avoided."

DEP officials also are talking with truckers about new technology they could use.

Screw these tree huggers.

Let us go into their homes and point out everything they should quit using in order to help save the environment, and once they get their lives in order, then they can come waste my time about running the air conditioner or heater in the house I live in out here on the road.

Worthless jackasses
They say that the drivers do it to get heat or to cool their cab, then they say it is unneeded? What jack@ss's. Who are they to say that drivers should freeze or overheat in their trucks? Maybe we should go by their homes and cut the power to the central air on a hot summer day and tell them it is unneeded.