It happened to me, 4 wheeler did one of those 'o-crap' lane changes, as he was approaching a jersey-barrier between ezpass express and regular toll lanes. He was on the brakes so hard i had trunk lid marks 1/4 the way up my grill. Needless to say I did the pit maneuver on him and he slammed the jersey-barrier with the rear axle of his BMW, or should I say his friends BMW, he was on the way to the airport, was lost, didn't see the 3 - 25' signs saying EZpass express only left 2 lanes, and didn't see the markings on the road. Oh, and didn't see the 79000lb 70' truck (me) one lane over. Tried to go from hammer lane to other toll lane, no signal, no look in mirror, no look over shoulder until coming across in front of me 25' ahead. It took well over a year before their insurance company sent me a notice that we were being sued (the company and I) Called the company, had to next day paperwork to them, and their lawyer said that he would represent me at no cost... even though the company said it was preventable. Guess I should have gotten my mind reading hat out of the cleaners. Or should have practiced levitation. Since getting the company lawyer involved, I haven't heard anything from them, and it's almost 2 years since the fun started. I had thought about bringing a civil suit against the driver, owner and insurance company myself. His negligence hurt my driving record.