Company rules.


Well-Known Member
Man I hate all the bull that "red tape" people love so much.

We had a someone get in trouble for helping a driver chain down a load. Poor old guy could hardly move because of his age so we always throw his strap over his load for him. They said if the catch us doing it again we are fired. He hooks it and tightens it we just get his straps over for him.
Man I hate all the bull that "red tape" people love so much.

We had a someone get in trouble for helping a driver chain down a load. Poor old guy could hardly move because of his age so we always throw his strap over his load for him. They said if the catch us doing it again we are fired. He hooks it and tightens it we just get his straps over for him.

God how rude. It might be that they are looking for a reason to get rid of him. In their eyes if he can not strap his load down himself he is unable to do his job and they can fire him. Sad but probably true.
Hubby is with a small family owned company that has only one real rule: Show up for the Fish Fry and the Christmas Party. Other than that, do what you want until we get sued.
That is terrible!! What on earth is the problem with helping out? It would seem to be that by being so rude and crass they would run off any and everyone.
One would also think this person is representing something of greater good too like the company they are working for or if they are independent, they are just being a good person/
They are worried about the load coming off the flatbed. If the driver straps it and it spills, his company has to pay for it. Same with helping someone hook up their pups. If they come apart and kill someone the driver is at fault. If we help, we can be sued also. It stinks.