Carrier lends a hand to homeless OOIDA members in Greensburg

Freight Relocators

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Staff member
Michael and Sharyl Terryn were among three OOIDA member families to lose a home in last week’s E-F5-rated tornado in Greensburg, KS.

The couple was spared by their decision to take shelter in the basement during the tornado. Their home was located near a Greensburg retirement community where several residents were killed when the storm hit on Friday, May 4.

“It was just like in the movie – like a freight train,” said Terryn, who hauls stage equipment for Broadway plays and musicals. “It’s been a disaster out here.”

The pair hauls for Harrisburg, PA-based Clark Transfer, a company that Terryn said has treated them exceptionally well. The company brought the Terryns a trailer to store personal items until they find a permanent home, and even brought them a pallet of drinking water.

“They have been fantastic since this happened,” Terryn said. “Everybody has been so nice – they’ve all tried to help as much as they could.”

The 1.7-mile-wide tornado killed at least 10 people when it whipped through the western Kansas town of about 1,500.

Greensburg – positioned alongside a major trucking route, U.S. 54 – includes six OOIDA members and dozens of Land Line readers.

Article Source: Land Line Magazine