I've been running the southeast region for around 10 years now with two companies. The last 4 years have been spent pulling containers out of NE Tennessee to the southern ports, then backhauling up to as far as Lexington, KY, but usually only to middle Tennessee. The kicker was, I was in a company hotel every night I was away from home. I lost this job last saturday due to a mass layoff. I've found a job that runs north. Reading this scares the *s* out of me! I've not had to fight a truckstop in over 10 years other than to get fuel. And with that, I always got it at the same stops. Damn I hope this works out better than it sounds. This company runs a lot to the NE. My luck I'll get stuck on Long Island or somewhere in Jersey with nowhere to sleep, and exit ramps up there would totally freak me out not knowing if I'm going to get killed or not! Thanks alot, guys! lol.