Best Sleeping weather.


Well-Known Member
I love sleeping when it is raining, the wind blowing and slightly shaking everything. Second best is a very cool, almost cold night with a warm blanket. What do you guys/gals like?
Hot nights I tend to get restless legs, I twitch and spasm a lot and just cannot rest. I also have to have moving air. I have a fan on me even in winter.
Ya I have to admit with FALL coming up here now that Iam happy to see it.
It's been a nasty summer up here with lot's of humidity and high temps.

Iam going to sleep like a baby now that it's getting much colder.;)
Hubby and I have long battled over this. He likes it warm enough to sleep in just his underwear with no blanket at all. I like to be in a cool room with a warm blanket. We compromised. He sleeps in his underwear under the blankets with me.
In the truck, I sleep great when it is in the 50's to low 60's, and with the truck and the APU turned off. That is, if I am somewhere that is relatively quiet.