A Trucking "Temp-Service" Buisness Idea..

Uncle Birchy

Well-Known Member
The average "Median Age" of an American Truck Driver is 48/50 years old .

Truckers tend to run hard and their health goes 2 complete "Crap"..

There are guys like me I do it when need the "Ca$h" I get back out there 3/6 months shelf life cycle before I gotta go home get outta that Truck awhile..

Occured 2 me a lotta "Old Timers" half "retired" but still need extra $$$ now and then too .

I know with "Carriers" this entire process and orientation class every one of em says I want this be your "Last Job" and "Retirement" outta here too..

But "Real-World" doesn't work like that ..

I came up an "Idea" Class A "Certified" drivers but just wanna work awhile and when completely loose their mind out there they just need go back home 4 awhile & the "Understanding" as well .

Problem is Laws and Regulations it on average co$ts the "Carrier" tune of $3/5 Grand just "Recruiting" and getting through "Orientation Class" put ya in a truck get ya out there on a load & going..

Why don't we have just a "Pool" of "Qualified" drivers they are not in a "Career" life-time but when willing & need some extra "$$$" they just call up say Im "Available" for awhile....

I mean screw this Job-Hopping garbage why not just get into a "Good Buisness Relationship" a few places and that's just the way it is too
I do also "understand" the Buisness End some sort of effect 4 a Company..

There loans and payments on equipment plus maintenance & repairs..

Around here gas & diesel getting back towards $4 bucks a gallon but I saw $3.69 at Speedway other day ..

Plus "Insurance" ya need a few "Lawyers" on Speed Dial as well too..

But if ya got abuncha empty units sitting back of the yard the "Carrier" still paying the loans ain't got nobody to run a load making "Revenue" for them neither
How about forget all that mess .

Let's break it down simple "Logistics" & "Supply Chain"...

When I was a Kid I watched stuff like "Moving On" With Claud Atkins on TV .

I thought trucking was "Cool"

Wouldn't be until the 1990s I first got my CDL and they turned me out...

But think about this as well all us trucks are the "Supply" Chain used to be a bumper sticker if ya got it a "Truck" hauled It..

Ya look around at people "Today" they just got an "Entitlement" Mentally rotting their brains on social media..

Someday I hope send them "Grocery Store" ain't nothing 2 Eat and Toilet Paper all gone too..

But these days younger people look at slow Trucks as blocking their way on the Highways nor looking at sleeping at a Loves or Pee-Lot as a "Career" Opportunity..

They get "Viscous" burn the Tires flipping me off yelling out window too..

But they have "Zero Concept" it's people like us who "Willing" go throw Down a "Mile Marker" that ya got food and basic "Necessities" to purchase at your Minimum Wage Job
When ya gotta leave to put ya hand over that desk when ya clean your truck out and turn the keys and paperwork back in too....

Leave with a "Handshake" sometimes a hug too but No Animosity nor angry either..
When ya gotta leave to put ya hand over that desk when ya clean your truck out and turn the keys and paperwork back in too....

Leave with a "Handshake" sometimes a hug too but No Animosity nor angry either..
Over the years I've gotta abuncha 2nd & 3rd "Re-Hires" that way too..

If ya go outta there angry and talking crap ya burned the "Bridges"....

Leave in a "Respectful" manner and "I'm Sorry gotta go for awhile & ya shake his hand to plus making sure they got all paperwork in your last paycheck too